Remember that more sustained and intensive approaches to support parental engagement may be needed for some children—for example, those struggling with early reading, those from disadvantaged backgrounds, or those with behavioural difficulties. More intensive approaches, which target particular families or outcomes, are associated with larger learning gains, so make sure to offer more support to their parents when needed. Here you can learn how to do that.
Throughout the year, help these parents understand what their children are doing at school, and are being asked to do as homework. You can also think and plan for group-based sessions for parents, and in some cases; especially with younger children, consider home visits.
One important tip here is to communicate carefully to avoid stigmatising, blaming, or discouraging parents. Instead, focus on building parents’ efficacy—that they are equal partners and can make a difference.
You can also read about the experience of Omar Bin Al-Khattab School for Boys, which has successfully offered extra support to parents of students with speech disabilities and weaknesses.