Queen Rania Foundation

Evaluating "Let’s Read Fluently! – Catch-Up Model": Key Insights on Implementation and Effectiveness

 برنامج "لنقرأ بطلاقة - نموذج الطلبة المتعثرين قرائيًّا ": رؤى رئيسة حول التنفيذ والفعالية

Amman, Jordan – 25/2/2025 – The Let’s Read Fluently! (LRF!) Catch-Up (C/U) Model, an educational intervention aimed at improving Arabic reading fluency among students struggling with reading difficulties, has shown promising results in a pilot study conducted in several Jordanian schools during the second semester of the 2023/2024 academic year.

The Queen Rania Foundation (QRF) implements this program in partnership with the Ministry of Education, with support from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) and BHP Foundation. The evaluation activities are led by NatCen in collaboration with Integrated International, while the Queen Rania Teacher Academy (QRTA) is responsible for training and supporting educators. The Princess Taghreed Institute oversees the assessment and screening of struggling readers.

Key Findings

The pilot study included a sample of 16 schools, divided into two groups: an intervention group implementing the program and a control group to measure the impact. The intervention provided struggling readers with three structured reading sessions per week over a period of 12–14 weeks, with small groups of no more than six students per session.

Findings indicate positive impacts on oral reading fluency (ORF), letter sound recognition, and word decoding. However, results related to reading comprehension and listening comprehension were less conclusive, highlighting the need for further refinements in these areas.


Feasibility and Scalability

While the pilot demonstrated strong engagement and commitment from participants, challenges remain in scaling the intervention, particularly regarding teacher workload and implementation logistics. Additionally, the multi-stage screening process used to identify target students requires further refinements to enhance accuracy and effectiveness. The evaluation recommends continued improvements to training models, assessment tools, and instructional strategies before launching a large-scale efficacy trial.


Next Steps

If the intervention continues and expands, several adjustments are necessary, including improving student selection mechanisms, refining instructional methods, and addressing scalability challenges to ensure a more effective and sustainable approach.

Meanwhile, the Whole-Classroom model, which was previously piloted, has demonstrated a higher level of readiness for an efficacy trial. Insights from the second Catch-Up pilot will further enhance the Whole-Classroom model’s scalability and sustainability, making it a stronger approach for improving literacy outcomes.

Findings from this pilot study will contribute to shaping future studies and programs aimed at enhancing reading skills in Jordanian schools. The Queen Rania Foundation and its partners remain committed to advancing literacy education in Jordan and ensuring the best outcomes for students.